Rules of Engagement

Published on under jekyll
1 minute read

In this post I’ll set forth some rules for myself to follow in all subsequent posts. I might amend these rules as I identify relevant ones or ones that turn out to be irrelevant.

  • Make a clear distinction between opinion and fact. Support facts with references.
  • Don’t be political. This one might be tricky if some sides attempt to politicise generally apolitical topics. Example: climate change is apolitical, but the policies around it are not.
  • Don’t pass someone else’s work or ideas as your own - explicitly give credit.
  • Don’t offer non-technical advice. Don’t offer technical advice on something you don’t understand thoroughly.
  • Don’t be offensive for the sake of being offensive. Again - tricky, given the subjectivity around what is “offensive”. I’ll do my best.
  • Don’t be condescending to someone else’s design or implementation (yes, even when they deserve it).